For years, we have been fighting the idea of expanding from our original Markham location. To us, the idea of a collection of tattoo artists working in tight spaces to create artistic beauty is such a magical concept. When you look across and see the amazing vision your colleague has, it provides you with an irreplaceable push to worker harder on your own designs. On top of this, the sentimental value connected to where it all began created reluctance to leave. All these factors contributed to delaying our relocation.
However, as we continued to grow our tattoo clientele in Toronto & Vancouver, it became increasingly evident that we needed to upgrade from the tight quarters to meet the ongoing demand. Because of this, we have decided to expand and re-locate our Markham location!
However, as we continued to grow our tattoo clientele in Toronto & Vancouver, it became increasingly evident that we needed to upgrade from the tight quarters to meet the ongoing demand. Because of this, we have decided to expand and re-locate our Markham location!
Creating Our New Studio
In trying to envision how our new workplace would be, we quickly realized we did not have the experience or knowledge to design it ourselves. Designing tattoos and designing interior space were two very different animals. We wanted to create an atmosphere that personified our intimate brand but still accommodated our expansion. Due to this, we established that it would be best to collaborate with an interior designer.
We wanted to find a company that specialized in pairing old word craftsmanship with a hip, urban design. Our dream was to use our new space as an aid to revolutionize the way tattoos are viewed in society. Moreover, we believe that connecting people to your environment is integral in shaping your brand’s image.
Collaboration with Anacleto Design
After thorough research, we came to the conclusion that Anacleto, known for their unique projects with Audi Canada and Ace Bakery, would be a perfect fit. By examining their designs, it became clear that they were experts in creating a haven for any industry.
This collaboration with Anacleto Design is an exciting one that will allow our vision to become a reality. Anacleto’s unique approach is unparalleled within the interior design industry. By mixing modern and old designs, they have produced warm and intimate spots all across Toronto & Vancouver. By going down this path, it shows our continued dedication to elevating the Toronto & Vancouver tattoo industry. We strongly believe that in order to change the game, you must have the foresight to pursue bold avenues and break down barriers.
Grand Opening
The official grand opening of the new Markham location is March 1st 2015 and we could not be more excited! We look forward to providing you with a personable tattoo studio that amalgamates passion, creativity and innovative designs!]>>