In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of luxury piercings jewellery. Gold and diamonds aren’t just for fancy dinners and date night. People are wearing luxury piercings as part of their everyday glam.
Out downtown Toronto & Vancouver piercing shops takes a look at why this trend is happening:
Coming of Age - Round 2
Many of us got our first piercings in our teens. Back then our jewellery choices were determined by our rebellious nature and what we could scrape together from part-time jobs or allowances. We may have had one or two nice sets of earrings, but they were usually gifts or scraped together from hard-earned cash. They certainly weren’t for everyday wear.
But now, as the one-time-rebellious-teen enters their mid-late 20s or early 30s, life is different. Transitioning from school and jobs to full-time careers means new values and (thankfully) new salaries.
This is the second coming of age. People start wanting to present a more professional image. They also have more money to spend on luxury piercing jewellery. High-quality gold and diamond earrings become more appealing, and practical, for everyday wear.
Piercings are still a great way to define yourself. But over time, how you define yourself changes.
Social media, Instagram in particular, is driving fashion trends. For influencers, image is everything. Most accounts focus feature the highlights and glamour in their lives. Showing off travel, fitness, fashion, style and appearance. All the posts give the appearance of dressing to impress at all times.
This trend trickles down to the general public. In an increasingly shared world, even non-influencers want to be photo-ready at all times. With luxury jewellery and fashionable clothing.
Celebrity Influence
Influence doesn’t just come from Instagrammers. Celebrities are pushing this trend just as hard. Today’s icons aren’t sporting the rebellious James Dean look or the grunge fashions of Kurt Cobain. Instead, movie stars, musicians. and pop icons are dressed to the nine’s all the time. Even when they dress down, luxury earrings are symbolic of their success and status.
Celebrities are quickly adapting other piercing trends, and showing us how great they look with a little extra bling. For example, Scarlett Johanson’s diamond-studded curated ear project:

Celebs are early adopters of new trends and drive cultural shifts in fashion and style.
There was a time when top-quality jewellery was harder to get your hands on. Prices were high, and the selection was limited to what was nearby or who you knew. Today, online piercing jewellery shops have made high-quality jewellery more affordable and accessible to everyone.
Top jewellery brands like Maria Tash are readily available at the click of a button. As well, new designers are able to get their name out - giving people better access to new designs and emerging artists.
People no longer have to sacrifice quality for convenience, and luxury piercing jewellery is a direct result.
Get Piercing and Jewellery in Downtown Toronto & Vancouver
Chronic Ink is an award-winning piercing shops in downtown Toronto & Vancouver. We carry high-quality earrings and jewellery from top brands like BVLA and Maria Tash. Our expert team offers professional piercings a safety-first environment and can help you pick the right piercing jewellery.
Book a piercing today, or visit us in store at our Toronto & Vancouver locations.