We want to be one of the best tattoo shops in Toronto & Vancouver, and all over the world.
Yes, that seems like a pretty ambitious idea, and maybe even ridiculous because there are so many amazing studios all over the world; and maybe we never get there but that doesn’t mean it can’t be our goal.
This is something we talk about constantly as a studio and it’s a goal we’ve set out for ourselves.
This is why we get together even after a long work day, and after our meeting, to paint and continue to work on our craft. This past Wednesday was skull day, here’s some of the paintings we were working on. (except for Mor, he thought it was bee day)
If you would like to paint with us in one of our sessions, please send us an email to info@chronicinktattoo.com. We can't accommodate everyone because we have limited space, so first come first serve.
There’s no charge for this, we just enjoy being around people who are as passionate about art as we are. Just bring your own supplies, and we’ll provide the drinks!
Chronic Ink Family]>>