We all have that buddy that just got his or her great new tattoo. One where the design just floors you and you start thinking maybe you should get a tattoo. But how do you choose the right design. We blogged previously about
choosing the right Toronto & Vancouver tattoo shop and as a smart and savvy customer you obviously chose the best
tattoo shop in Toronto & Vancouver. So now you need to figure out the perfect design for you. Tattoos can be for life, so below are the major steps you should consider before making your decision.
Avoid a Rash Decision
Tattoos can be for life. They are permanent and can be painful to remove. Getting a tattoo is a serious decision so take your time in making it. You don’t have to get that tattoo so badly that you can’t wait a few days before making your decision. Also when was the last time you made a great lifelong decision when you were less than perfectly sober? Be clear headed and give it a few days before you pull the trigger on your tattoo.
The next step would be to actually come up with the idea for your tattoo. Our advice? Let your imagination run wild and just write/sketch down as many ideas as possible. This is the creative process, so don’t worry just yet about the scope of the procedure. Art is boundless and its creations are infinite. Here at Chronic Ink, we are an art focused tattoo studio that prides its self on truly unique creations; we will try our best to accommodate your wildest concepts.
But if you have trouble coming up with an idea, then think about what you want your tattoo to say, what you want it to mean, and how you want it to feel. This elimination process can help narrow down your options and cultivate your final choice.
Research Research Research
Explore as many designs as possible. During your research, you'll find that you are naturally attracted to certain images. Find what speaks to you, the defines you and acts as a visual personification of your idea. In our experience, we have found that most people generally have a commonality in most of the designs they pick, be it either style, subject, or both. But don’t be afraid to think outside the box, sometimes you might find something truly exceptional when you stray outside your comfort zone.
Talk To Your Artist
As mentioned previously, your tattoo will probably define you, therefore make sure it is saying exactly what you want it to be saying. If you come up with an idea or design that you love
contact us at Chronic Ink and get in touch with our
award winning artists to bring your vision to life. The discussion you have with your artist is vital, it can set expectations, define limitations and even lead to new ideas that you might have never thought of before. Because the last thing you want is a tattoo that is not an accurate depiction of the image in your head.
Talk To Your Friends
Again, talk it out. Consult close friends, family and trusted confidants. Be open to their opinion and listen to what they have to say, these are the people who care about you the most so you know they have your best interests at heart. In the end, it is your body and you do make the final decision. But it doesn’t hurt to discuss and get another perspective. It could stop you from making a really bad decision (like getting a tattoo of that girl you’ve only been dating for 2 weeks) or shedding a new light, opening your eyes to a viewpoint you might have never considered.
Never Settle
After all these steps, lay out all your selections, take everything into consideration and spend some time really going through all your options. And if at the end of the day you still can’t make up your mind or don’t have your perfect design, then just wait. Patience is very underrated when it comes to picking a tattoo design, you don’t need to rush into something you’re not sure about. Picking the right tattoo is kinda like getting married, once you’re hitched, it usually lasts a lifetime. So if you’re not totally in love with the design, don’t settle, wait till the right design comes around. Otherwise you’ll be stuck with one that you’re not happy with and that could lead to a painful divorce.
Quality of Studio
There are many tattoo studios in Toronto & Vancouver, and we covered the finer points of
choosing the right Tattoo Studio in our previous post. We know you deserve only the best of the best
tattoo shops in Toronto & Vancouver to work with you on that perfect design -- the one that your gonna love for a lifetime -- we look forward to seeing you at Chronic Ink Tattoos and
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